(logo)  Network settings: Programs

Protocol "plug-ins"

Of all possible internet protocols, AWeb understands only HTTP: and Gopher: by itself. There are browsers available (mostly for the PC, but some for the Amiga) that handle other protocols internally, like FTP:, mailto: and news:. However, handling these protocols internally would make the executable bigger, and will never offer the same ease of use as dedicated software. Therefore AWeb offers the possibility to configure external programs that should be started when you follow a hyperlink using one of these protocols.

Use the chooser to select from one of the protocols listed below. Then use the Command and Arguments fields to specify your plug-in command and arguments.

You can configure plug-ins for these protocols:
mailto: A mailto: address is for sending e-mail. If your mail reader supports command line arguments to send a mail, you can use this feature. An example is the Voodoo mail reader (by Osma Ahvenlampi), that can be used like this:
      Voodoo MAIL TO someone@foo.bar
If you don't use such a mailer, you can use a script that calls your editor, and then a mail post program. An example script is included.

Argument parameters are:
%e e-mail address to send the mail to.
%n screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your mail program supports opening on a public screen.

ftp: An ftp: address is for retrieving files via the FTP protocol. If you own a FTP client that supports command line arguments, you can use this feature. A simple example is the ncftp program that comes with the AmiTCP/IP package.

Argument parameters are:
%h host name to connect to
%f full path and file name to fetch
%n screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your FTP program supports opening on a public screen.

telnet: A telnet: address is used to start a telnet session. If you own a telnet client that supports command line arguments. you can use this feature. A telnet address can contain:
Argument parameters are:
%l login name (user name) to use for logging in to this host
%w password to use with this user name
%h host name
%p port number
%n screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your telnet program supports opening on a public screen.

If your telnet client does not support all these parameters, you can use this example script. It will pop up a requester with the user name and password to use, if these were given in the address.

news: A news: address points to a newsgroup or an article in a newsgroup. If you own a news reader that supports command line arguments or ARexx commands, you can use this feature.

Argument parameters are:
%a newsgroup name or article identification
%n screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your news program supports opening on a public screen.

Start and stop your TCP stack

AWeb is able to start your TCP connection automatically when it is needed.

Use the chooser to select one of the entries below. Then use the Command and Arguments fields to specify the necessary command and arguments.
Start TCP This command is used to start your TCP stack automatically.

For example, if you use the AmiTCP/IP package, you would set command to:

and leave the arguments field blank.

Argument parameters are:
%n screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your TCP script or program supports opening windows on a public screen.

Important note:
The start TCP command should return when the TCP connection is active or fails. If your TCP program remains active during the session, you cannot use it directly. You have to use a script instead, like this example script, it uses this second script too.

End TCP This command is used to stop your TCP connection after your confirmation.

There are no argument parameter substitutions.

Important notes:
If you used the example script as Start TCP command, here is another example script to stop your TCP program.

<-Options   ^Settings requesters   ->Proxy